Sharpay : These are not my chums! They'll steal my talent show.
他们才不是什么密友呢! 他们会抢走我的才艺秀的.
互联网The junior students gathered together in lecture theatre and enjoyed the English Talent Show.
期刊摘选Our class is organizing a talent show to save money for charity.
互联网Last week's talent show a great success.
互联网Alex : Sort of a show of skill? Talent show?
亚历克斯: 显示技能? 才艺表演?
互联网Can you dance? We need some more actors for the talent show?
你会跳舞 吗 ?我们这次才艺演出需要更多的演员.
互联网Mary was born in Athens , favorite dance age, when small dance talent show.
玛利亚出生于雅典, 自幼喜爱舞蹈, 很小的时候就表现出舞蹈天分.
互联网Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.
互联网Some people off their cooking skills or compete in a talent show.
互联网Following, I declare, True self graceful bearing for talent show Let's begin.
下面, 我宣布, 真我风采才艺展示联欢会现在开始.
互联网Who won the talent show ? By what, dancing or singing?
谁在有奖竞赛中获胜? 哪方面?跳舞还是唱歌?
互联网Heard of them are in Hulu Si, is prepared to test the arts talent show preparation.
听说师傅正在学葫芦丝, 是在准备艺考时的才艺展示做准备.
互联网Last week's talent show was a great success.
互联网The talent show in the evening drew the curtain with guitar playing.
互联网Do they like the talent show ? And why?
他们喜欢看才艺秀 吗 ?为什么?
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